playstation networks mid year sale is ridiculous
Tjek denne massive liste over PSN-tilbud
Det har for det meste været salg af weekend-flash på PlayStation Network fra sent, men Sonys nye midtårssalg er et monster. Det har mere end 800 tilbud, og det kører i to hele uger. Klar det rullehjul!
Topsælgere lige nu er Darksiders Warmastered Edition ($ 5,99), Rocket League ($ 11.99), Ødelæg alle mennesker! 2 ($ 6,99), Assassin's Creed Origins ($ 35.99), Sine Mora EX ($ 5,99), Til ære ($ 25,79) og Grand Theft Auto San Andreas ($ 10,49). Disse priser og priserne nedenfor er alle uden PlayStation Plus. Med et Plus-abonnement sparer du mere. Darksiders for eksempel kun $ 1,99.
Jeg har brug for at isse mine håndled.
åbn en apk-fil i windows
- 10 anden Ninja X ($ 3,99)
- 101 måder at dø ($ 4,99)
- A Bastard's Tale ($ 1,99)
- En hat i tiden ($ 22.49)
- Absolute Drift: Zen Edition ($ 5.99)
- Ace Banana ($ 5,99)
- Aegis Defenders ($ 13.99)
- AER - Memories of Old ($ 7,49)
- Albedo: Eyes From Outer Space ($ 5,99)
- Alchemic Jousts ($ 3,59)
- Alekhine's Gun ($ 17.99)
- Fremmedgørelse ($ 5,99)
- Alteric ($ 3,49)
- Antiquia Lost ($ 7,49)
- Ape Escape 2 ($ 3,99)
- Apex Construct ($ 19.49)
- Aqua TV (.99)
- Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits ($ 5,99)
- Erkeengel ($ 14.99)
- Arizona Sunshine ($ 19.99)
- ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny ($ 11.99)
- Pansret krigsførelse - 30 dages Premium Time ($ 6,59)
- Pansret krigsførelse - 7 dage med Premium Time ($ 3,84)
- Armored Warfare - ERC-90 Shark Improved Pack ($ 20.99)
- Armored Warfare - ERC-90 Shark Prime Pack ($ 23.99)
- Armored Warfare - ERC-90 Shark Standard Pack ($ 5.24)
- Armored Warfare - Shark Decal Pack ($ 5.24)
- Armored Warfare - Starter Pack - Forbedret ($ 27.99)
- Pansret krigsførelse: XM1 Fox Improved Pack ($ 27.99)
- Pansret krigsførelse: XM1 Fox Prime Pack ($ 34.99)
- Balance Art ($ 6,29)
- Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: sort flag, enhed, syndikat ($ 44.99)
- Assassin's Creed Origins ($ 35.99)
- Assassin's Creed Origins Deluxe Edition ($ 41,99)
- Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Edition ($ 59.99)
- Assetto Corsa ($ 14.99)
- Assetto Corsa - Ferrari 70-års jubilæum DLC ($ 3,00)
- Assetto Corsa - Porsche Pack 1 DLC ($ 3,00)
- Assetto Corsa - Porsche Pack Vol. 2 DLC ($ 3,00)
- Assetto Corsa - Porsche Pack Vol.3 DLC ($ 3,00)
- Assetto Corsa sæsonpas ($ 7,99)
- Ultimate Race Set ($ 25.99)
- Atelier Lydie & Suelle ($ 47.99)
- Avant-Garde Bundle ($ 24.99)
- Axiom Verge ($ 9.99)
- Baja: Edge of Control HD ($ 11.99)
- Battle Worlds: Kronos ($ 7.99)
- Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate Bundle ($ 26.39)
- Battlefield 1 Premium Pass ($ 16.49)
- Battlefield 1 Revolution ($ 19,79)
- Slagvej 1 genvejssæt: Infanteri bundt ($ 17.99)
- Slagvej 1 genvejssæt: Ultimate Bundle ($ 23.99)
- Battlefield Jubilæumspakke ($ 49.99)
- Beach Buggy Racing ($ 4,99)
- Beholder Komplet udgave ($ 7.49)
- Beyond Eyes ($ 7,49)
- BioShock: The Collection ($ 25.79)
- Fødselsdage begyndelsen ($ 19.99)
- Sort spejl ($ 19.99)
- Blackwood Crossing ($ 9.59)
- Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition ($ 22.49)
- Bloody Zombies ($ 7,49)
- Kogende Bolt ($ 8,39)
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection ($ 25.79)
- Bundet ($ 7.99)
- Bound by Flame ($ 6.99)
- Bravo Team ($ 33.99)
- Bridge Constructor Stunts ($ 6.99)
- Broken Sword 5 - Slangens forbandelse ($ 9.99)
- Brothers: a Tale of two Sons ($ 5,99)
- Bully ($ 10.49)
- Burly Men at Sea ($ 4,99)
- Burly Men at Sea Maestro Beard Edition ($ 7,49)
- Burnout Paradise Remastered ($ 27.99)
- Carmageddon: Max Damage ($ 7.99)
- Cars 3: Driven to Win ($ 19.99)
- Cast of the Seven Godsends - Redux ($ 2,79)
- CastleStorm VR-udgave ($ 5,99)
- Catlateral Damage ($ 3,99)
- Children of Zodiarcs ($ 12.59)
- Chime Sharp ($ 3,99)
- Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus ($ 7,49)
- Circuit Breakers ($ 3,99)
- Byer: Skylines - PlayStation4 Edition ($ 23.99)
- Byer: Skylines - Premium Edition ($ 41,99)
- Byer: Skylines - Snowfall ($ 9,09)
- Citizens of Earth ($ 5,99)
- Cladun vender tilbage: Dette er Sengoku! ($ 23.99)
- Claire: Extended Cut ($ 5,99)
- Classics PS4 Bundle ($ 7.99)
- ClusterTruck ($ 10.49)
- Koldt jern ($ 8.39)
- Farveværner ($ 3,99)
- CounterSpy ($ 5,99)
- Crypt of the NecroDancer ($ 4,49)
- CubeWorks ($ 3,99)
- Curses 'N Chaos ($ 4,99)
- Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 gudinder online ($ 24.99)
- Danganronpa 1 & bull; 2 Genindlæs ($ 23.99)
- Danganronpa en anden episode: Ultra Despair Girls ($ 14.99)
- Dark Cloud ($ 5,99)
- Dark Cloud 2 ($ 5,99)
- Dark Mystery ($ 3,19)
- Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition ($ 8.99)
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition ($ 5,99)
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered ($ 5,99)
- Daydreamer: Awakened Edition ($ 3.99)
- fra Blob ($ 7.99)
- fra Blob 2 ($ 20.99)
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition ($ 4,49)
- Deep Ones ($ 3,49)
- Deer Hunter: Reloaded ($ 13.99)
- Hjortesimulator ($ 4,99)
- Defunct - Deluxe Edition ($ 11.99)
- Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure ($ 4,99)
- Demon Gaze II ($ 34.99)
- Ødelæg alle mennesker! ($ 6,99)
- Ødelæg alle mennesker! 2 ($ 6.99)
- Forvaring ($ 9,09)
- Diablo III: Eternal Collection ($ 35.99)
- Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer ($ 11.24)
- Digital Domain's Monkey King ($ 3,49)
- DiRT Rally ($ 23.99)
- DiRT Rally PlayStation VR Upgrade DLC Add-On ($ 9,09)
- DiRT Rally Plus PlayStation VR Bundle ($ 29.99)
- Dishonored 2 ($ 23.99)
- Dishonored Definitive Edition ($ 11.99)
- Dishonored: Death of the Outsider ($ 22.49)
- Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle ($ 32.99)
- Dishonored: The Complete Collection ($ 39.99)
- Doc-Doc Universe ($ 5,99)
- Doom ($ 15.99)
- Doom + Wolfenstein II Bundle ($ 35.99)
- Doom VFR ($ 17.99)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition ($ 13.19)
- Dragon Quest Builders ($ 41,99)
- Dragon Quest Heroes: Digital Slime Edition ($ 30,09)
- Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight below ($ 27.99)
- Dragon's Lair Trilogy ($ 13.99)
- Drawful 2 ($ 4.99)
- Drawn To Death ($ 5,99)
- DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles ($ 6.99)
- Driveclub VR ($ 5,99)
- Driveclub - Bikes Standalone ($ 7.99)
- Driveclub - Cykeludvidelse ($ 7,49)
- Dungeon Punks ($ 5,24)
- Dungeons 2 ($ 20.99)
- Døende: Genfødt ($ 7.99)
- Døende: Reborn Ultimate Bundle ($ 9.99)
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires ($ 29.99)
- Dynasty Warriors 9 ($ 47.99)
- Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers ($ 35.99)
- EA Family Bundle ($ 13,19)
- EA Sports NHL 18 Standardudgave ($ 15.99)
- EA Sports NHL 18 Young Stars Deluxe Edition ($ 59.99)
- EA Sports NHL 18 Young Stars Edition ($ 35.99)
- EA Sports UFC 3 Icon Edition ($ 41,99)
- Eliosi's Hunt ($ 2,99)
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass ($ 22.49)
- End Space ($ 9.99)
- Energi invasion ($ 1,79)
- Entwined ($ 3,99)
- Escape Plan Ultimate ($ 5,99)
- Escape Plan ($ 3,99)
- EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone ($ 14.99)
- Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force ($ 11.99)
- Fallen Legion Bundle ($ 17.99)
- Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion ($ 11.99)
- Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire ($ 11.99)
- Fallout 4 ($ 17.99)
- Fallout 4 - Automatron ($ 6,69)
- Fallout 4 - Season Pass ($ 29.99)
- Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop ($ 3,34)
- Fallout 4: Far Harbor ($ 16,74)
- Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition ($ 35.99)
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World ($ 13.39)
- Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop ($ 3,34)
- Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop ($ 3,34)
- FantaVision ($ 3,99)
- Far Cry 5 ($ 47.99)
- Far Cry 5 Deluxe Edition ($ 52.49)
- Far Cry 5 Gold Edition ($ 67.49)
- Farming Simulator 15: Komplet udgave ($ 13.99)
- Farming Simulator 17 - Platinum Edition ($ 29.99)
- Farming Simulator 17 - Premium Edition ($ 26.24)
- Farpoint ($ 16.99)
- Fat Princess Adventures ($ 2,99)
- Fe ($ 11.99)
- Fibbage: The Hilarious Bluffing Party Game ($ 2.79)
- FIFA 18 ($ 23.99)
- FIFA 18 ICON Edition ($ 49.99)
- FIFA 18 Ronaldo Edition ($ 31.99)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 HD ($ 11.99)
- Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster ($ 14.99)
- Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age ($ 29.99)
- Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood ($ 23.99)
- Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Collector's Edition ($ 35.99)
- Final Fantasy XIV Online komplet udgave ($ 35.99)
- Final Fantasy IX Digital Edition ($ 16.79)
- Final Fantasy VII ($ 9.59)
- Final Fantasy XIV Online komplet Collector's Edition ($ 59.99)
- Final Fantasy XIV Online Starter Edition ($ 11.99)
- flOw ($ 2,39)
- Blomst ($ 2,79)
- Til ære ($ 25,79)
- Til Honor Deluxe-udgave ($ 24.49)
- Til Honor Gold Edition ($ 42.99)
- Skovbrug 2017 - Simuleringen ($ 15.99)
- Firsidet fantasi ($ 3,99)
- Fu'un Super Combo ($ 10.49)
- Fuld gass remasteret ($ 5,99)
- Furi ($ 9.99)
- Furi - Definitive udgave ($ 10.99)
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut ($ 4.49)
- Gedesimulator ($ 4,99)
- Goat Simulator DLC Bundle ($ 9.99)
- Goat Simulator: GoatZ ($ 2,49)
- Goat Simulator: BETALDAG ($ 2,49)
- Goat Simulator: The GOATY ($ 12.49)
- Goat Simulator: Spild af plads ($ 2,49)
- Grand Ages: Medieval ($ 13.99)
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ($ 10.49)
- Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy ($ 20.99)
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ($ 10.49)
- Grand Theft AutoIII ($ 10.49)
- Grus ($ 24.99)
- Gravel Special Edition ($ 34.99)
- Grim Fandango Remastered ($ 5,99)
- Gryphon Knight Epic ($ 3,99)
- Gunjack ($ 2,49)
- Guns, Gore og Cannoli ($ 5,99)
- Hardware: Rivals ($ 7.99)
- Have-Been Heroes ($ 9.99)
- Hasbro Family Fun Pack ($ 23.99)
- Hasbro Family Fun Pack Super Edition ($ 35.99)
- Headlander ($ 7.99)
- Helldivers Democracy Strikes Back Edition ($ 9.99)
- Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition ($ 19.99)
- Her ligger de ($ 7.99)
- Skjult agenda ($ 3,99)
- Hidden Dragon Legend ($ 11.99)
- Kogeplader ($ 13.99)
- Hohokum ($ 3,99)
- Honor and Duty: Arcade Edition ($ 2.79)
- HoPiKo ($ 2,79)
- Hestevæddeløb 2016 ($ 3,99)
- Hot Shots Tennis ($ 3,99)
- Sådan overlever du 2 ($ 2,99)
- Hunter's Legacy ($ 4,89)
- Jagtsimulator ($ 23.99)
- Hustle Kings VR ($ 7.99)
- I Am Setsuna ($ 23.99)
- Indie Bundle: Shiness and Seasons after Fall ($ 15.99)
- inFamous: First Light ($ 7,49)
- Infinite Air med Mark McMorris ($ 17.99)
- InnerSpace ($ 9.99)
- Inde ($ 7.99)
- Inde i min radio ($ 5,99)
- Inversus Deluxe ($ 6.44)
- Det er quiztid ($ 13.99)
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition ($ 7.49)
- Rejse ($ 5,99)
- Journey Collector's Edition ($ 9.99)
- Just Dance 2017 ($ 24.99)
- Just Dance 2017 Gold Edition ($ 29.99)
- Just Dance 2018 ($ 35.99)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes ($ 8.99)
- Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth ($ 15.99)
- Kill The Bad Guy ($ 4,89)
- Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept ($ 4,99)
- Kinetica ($ 3,99)
- Viden er magt ($ 3,99)
- Koi: Game and Exclusive Theme Bundle ($ 3,99)
- LA Cops ($ 7,49)
- Laser Disco Defenders ($ 3,99)
- Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition ($ 11.49)
- Legend of Kay Jubilæum ($ 8.99)
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe Edition ($ 17.49)
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Season Pass ($ 7,49)
- LEGO CITY Undercover ($ 14.99)
- LEGO Harry Potter Collection ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Jurassic World ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($ 29.99)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition ($ 37.49)
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers Deluxe Edition ($ 14.99)
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass ($ 5,99)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game ($ 24.99)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($ 9.99)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition ($ 14.99)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass ($ 5,99)
- LEGO Worlds ($ 14.99)
- Lichdom: Battlemage ($ 17.99)
- Let sporstof ($ 8.99)
- Limbo & Inside Bundle ($ 11.99)
- Livelock ($ 4,99)
- Lock's Quest ($ 5,99)
- Lords of the Fallen ($ 5,99)
- Lords of the Fallen Ancient Labyrinth ($ 2,39)
- Lords of the Fallen Complete Edition ($ 8.99)
- Lovely Planet ($ 4,99)
- Elskere i en farlig rumtid ($ 7,49)
- Madden NFL 18 Standardudgave ($ 11.99)
- Ondsindet faldet ($ 11.99)
- Malicious Fallen Deluxe Edition ($ 15.99)
- Manhunt ($ 10.49)
- Marooners ($ 5,99)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance ($ 15.99)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 ($ 15.99)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle ($ 17.99)
- Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition ($ 15.99)
- Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit Edition ($ 9.89)
- Masters of Anima ($ 11.99)
- Matterfall ($ 9.99)
- Max Payne ($ 10.49)
- Mervils: A VR Adventure ($ 9.99)
- Metropolis: Lux Obscura ($ 5,59)
- Mirror's Edge Catalyst ($ 6,59)
- Momonga Pinball Adventures ($ 3,59)
- Monopoly Family Fun Pack ($ 11.99)
- Monster Energy Supercross - Specialudgave ($ 48.99)
- Monster Energy Supercross - Det officielle videogame (41,99 $)
- Monster Jam: Crush It! ($ 13.99)
- Mordheim: City of the Damned - Komplet udgave ($ 17.49)
- Mortal Blitz ($ 11.99)
- Mr. Shifty ($ 7,49)
- Mit natjob ($ 3,19)
- Mystik Belle (.49)
- N.E.R.O .: Intet nogensinde forbliver uklar ($ 4,49)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy ($ 41,99)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy ($ 23.99)
- Naturlig doktrin ($ 9.99)
- NBA 2K18 ($ 25,79)
- NBA 2K18 Legend Edition ($ 42.99)
- NBA 2K18 Legend Edition Guld ($ 64.49)
- NBA LIVE 18: The One Edition ($ 9.89)
- Need for Speed ($ 6,59)
- Need for Speed Deluxe Edition ($ 8,24)
- Behov for hurtig tilbagebetaling ($ 23.99)
- Behov for hurtig tilbagebetaling - Deluxe-udgave ($ 35.99)
- Need for Speed Rivals ($ 6,59)
- NeverEnd ($ 1,49)
- Ni pergamenter ($ 11.99)
- Ninja Senki DX ($ 2,49)
- Nioh ($ 21.99)
- Nioh - Den komplette udgave ($ 29.99)
- Ingen helte tilladt! VR ($ 14.99)
- Nobunagas ambition: sfære af indflydelse - opstigning ($ 35.99)
- Navn Galaxy Name ($ 3,74)
- Nord ($ 2,09)
- Numantia ($ 14.99)
- Oasis Games Horror VR Bundle ($ 7.99)
- Oasis Games Shooter VR Bundle ($ 9.99)
- Observatør ($ 17.99)
- Oh My Godheads ($ 11.99)
- Åh ... Sir! The Insult Simulator ($ 1,79)
- Okage: Shadow King ($ 3,99)
- One Eyed Kutkh ($ 3,49)
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition ($ 23.99)
- Onrush Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 59.99)
- Onrush Standard Digital Edition ($ 47.99)
- Pang Adventures ($ 2,99)
- Party Golf ($ 5,99)
- Party Hard ($ 7,79)
- Past Cure ($ 20.99)
- Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition ($ 7,49)
- Perfekt ($ 4,99)
- Pharaonic ($ 7.99)
- Pinball FX3 - Carnivals and Legends ($ 4,19)
- Pinball FX3 - Jurassic World Pinball ($ 5,99)
- Pinball FX3 - Star Wars Pinball: The Last Jedi ($ 4,89)
- Pineview Drive ($ 11.99)
- Pineview Drive - Joe's Diner Horror Bundle ($ 15.99)
- Pixel Gear ($ 4,39)
- PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate ($ 3,74)
- Planet of the Eyes ($ 5,99)
- Planter vs. Zombies Garden Warfare ($ 6,59)
- Planter vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition ($ 8.24)
- Planter vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Standard Edition ($ 6.59)
- PlayStation VR Worlds ($ 6,74)
- Derefter ($ 11.99)
- Poker Mega Pack ($ 22.49)
- Portal Knights ($ 9.99)
- Rov ($ 17.99)
- Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle ($ 32.49)
- Rov: Digital Deluxe-udgave ($ 31.99)
- Primal ($ 3,99)
- Psycho-Pass: Obligatorisk lykke ($ 19.99)
- Punch Club ($ 5,99)
- Quiplash ($ 4,99)
- Rad Rodgers ($ 15.99)
- Railway Empire ($ 44.99)
- Rain World ($ 7.99)
- Rapala Fishing: Pro Series ($ 13.99)
- Rayon Riddles - Rise of the Goblin King ($ 4,79)
- Real Farm ($ 19.99)
- Red Dead Revolver ($ 10.49)
- Rød fraktion ($ 4,49)
- Red Faction II ($ 4.49)
- Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition ($ 22.49)
- Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition OST Combo ($ 25.64)
- Resogun ($ 4,49)
- Reus ($ 4,49)
- Infinite Res ($ 20.99)
- Rick and Morty: Virtuel Rick-ality ($ 20.99)
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League ($ 7.99)
- Rise & Shine ($ 5,99)
- Rise of the Kasai ($ 5,99)
- Road Rage ($ 17.99)
- Rocket League ($ 11.99)
- Rocket League - Årets spil ($ 14.99)
- Rocksmith 2014-udgave - Remastered ($ 19.99)
- Rogue Aces ($ 9,09)
- Rogue Galaxy ($ 4,94)
- Rogue Stormers ($ 5,99)
- Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle ($ 7,49)
- Rollers of the Realm ($ 3,99)
- RTK13: Fame og strategiudvidelsespakke ($ 24.49)
- RTK13: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack Bundle ($ 41,99)
- Samurai Shodown VI ($ 10.49)
- Samurai Warriors 4 Empires ($ 29.99)
- Save the Ninja Clan ($ 1,79)
- Scribblenauts Showdown ($ 19.99)
- Seriel renser ($ 5,99)
- Shadow Blade: Reload ($ 5.24)
- Shadow of the Beast ($ 7.99)
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun ($ 19.99)
- Shadwen ($ 6,79)
- Shantae: Kostumepakke ($ 5,59)
- Shantae: Friends to the End ($ 4,79)
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero ($ 13.99)
- Shantae: Pirate Queen's Quest ($ 5,99)
- Beskyttet ($ 7,49)
- Shooty frugtagtig ($ 13.99)
- Strimle det! ($ 4.99)
- Stilhed ($ 11.99)
- Sine Mora EX ($ 5,99)
- Siralim ($ 3,99)
- Siralim 2 ($ 5,99)
- SIREN ($ 3,99)
- Skyforge: Astral Charms Weapon Pack ($ 15.39)
- Skyforge: Berserker Quickplay Pack ($ 6,49)
- Skyforge: Demonic Cold Weapon Pack ($ 15.39)
- Skyforge: Grovewalker Collector's Edition ($ 24.49)
- Skyforge: Gunner Quickplay Pack ($ 6,49)
- Skyforge: Monk Quickplay Pack ($ 6,49)
- Skyforge: Revenant Quickplay Pack ($ 7,49)
- Skyforge: Wardens of the Wasteland - Collector's Pack ($ 29.99)
- Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. Bundle ($ 47.99)
- Slank: Ankomsten ($ 3,99)
- Små radioer store fjernsyn ($ 4,79)
- Snake Pass ($ 9.99)
- Sneaky Bears ($ 7,49)
- Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition ($ 21.99)
- Song of the Deep ($ 7,49)
- Songbringer Bundle ($ 9.99)
- Lydformer ($ 4,99)
- Sound Shapes Ultimate Bundle ($ 8.99)
- South Park: The Fractured but Whole ($ 25,79)
- South Park: The Fractured but Whole Gold Edition ($ 38.69)
- South Park: The Stick of Truth ($ 20.99)
- Space Rift - Afsnit 1 ($ 7.99)
- Sparc ($ 9.99)
- Spintires: MudRunner ($ 23.99)
- Spiral sprøjt ($ 2,99)
- Sprintvektor ($ 20.99)
- Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness ($ 17.99)
- Star Ocean Till The End Of Time ($ 12.59)
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope - 4K og Full HD Remaster ($ 16.79)
- Star Wars Battlefront II ($ 23.99)
- StarBlood Arena ($ 5,99)
- Statisk ($ 9,99)
- Steep - Winter Games Edition ($ 25.79)
- Steep - Winter Games Gold Edition ($ 34.39)
- Steredenn: Binary Stars ($ 7,79)
- Kvævet ($ 13.99)
- Sublevel Zero - Redux ($ 7.99)
- Nedsænket ($ 7.99)
- Sudden Strike 4 ($ 20.99)
- Sundered ($ 11.99)
- Super Cloudbuilt ($ 9.99)
- Super Mega Baseball ($ 7.99)
- Super Stardust Ultra VR ($ 7.99)
- Super Stardust Ultra ($ 5,19)
- Surf World Series ($ 10.49)
- Overlevende Mars ($ 31.99)
- Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 39.99)
- Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition ($ 52.49)
- SwapQuest ($ 3,99)
- Table Top Racing: Swag Bag ($ 7.59)
- Tales of Berseria ($ 26,39)
- Tango Fiesta ($ 3,99)
- Tearaway udfoldet ($ 7.99)
- Det er dig! ($ 3,99)
- Den 25. afdeling: The Silver Case ($ 20.99)
- Forsamlingen ($ 13.49)
- The Bridge ($ 3,99)
- slotspelet ($ 7,49)
- Graven Lucanor ($ 8,99)
- Det dødbringende tårn af monstre ($ 5,99)
- Dværgene ($ 11.99)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition ($ 23.99)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR ($ 35.99)
- The Elder Scrolls Online ($ 11.99)
- Escapisterne ($ 9,99)
- Escapists 2 ($ 13.99)
- Escapists: The Walking Dead ($ 9.99)
- The Evil Within ($ 11.99)
- The Evil Within Digital Bundle ($ 17.99)
- The Evil Within Season Pass ($ 5,99)
- The Evil Within 2 ($ 29.99)
- The Golf Club 2 ($ 23.99)
- Inpatient ($ 16.99)
- De usynlige timer ($ 20,09)
- Jackbox Party Pack ($ 9.99)
- Jackbox Party Pack 2 ($ 12.49)
- Jackbox Party Pack 3 ($ 14.99)
- Jackbox Party Quadpack ($ 44.99)
- The King of Fighters 2000 ($ 6.99)
- The Last Blade 2 ($ 10.49)
- Den sidste af os: venstre bag stand alone ($ 5,99)
- LEGO Movie Videogame ($ 9.99)
- The Long Reach ($ 8.99)
- Mark of Kri ($ 5,99)
- The Mummy Demastered ($ 13.99)
- Ordren: 1886 ($ 4,99)
- The Park ($ 6,49)
- The Raven Remastered ($ 23.99)
- Det rytmiske bundt ($ 5,99)
- The Silver Case ($ 11.99)
- The Sims 4 ($ 29.99)
- The Sims 4 Bundle ($ 29.99)
- The Sims 4 City Living ($ 23.99)
- The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition ($ 35.99)
- The Sims 4 Dine Out ($ 11.99)
- Sims 4 kom på arbejde ($ 23.99)
- The Sims 4 Vampires ($ 11.99)
- Den Solus Project ($ 9.99)
- Stationen ($ 10,49)
- The Surge ($ 17.49)
- The Surge: Komplet udgave ($ 26.99)
- The Technomancer ($ 13.99)
- The Unfinished Swan ($ 4,49)
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter ($ 7.99)
- The Warriors ($ 10.49)
- Heksen og hundrede ridder 2 ($ 24.99)
- The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition ($ 14.99)
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- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blod og vin ($ 11.99)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Komplet udgave ($ 24.99)
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- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Deluxe Edition ($ 30,09)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Gold Edition ($ 42.99)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Standardudgave ($ 25.79)
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition ($ 8.99)
- Dette Temple Deluxe ($ 3,99)
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- Trine 3: Kraftens artefakter ($ 8.79)
- Trine Bundle ($ 11.99)
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- Trine Trilogy ($ 11.99)
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- Valkyria Revolution ($ 20.99)
- Valley ($ 7,99)
- Verdun ($ 7.99)
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- War of the Monsters ($ 3,49)
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- Sehunde 2 ($ 25,79)
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- Hvor er mine venner? ($ 4.19)
- Whispering Willows (spil og tema) ($ 4.99)
- Hvid støj 2 ($ 4.99)
- Wild Arms 3 ($ 5.99)
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- WRC 6 ($ 19.99)
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- X-Morph: Defense Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 14.99)
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- Xenon Valkyrie + ($ 6.99)
- Yomawari: Midnight Shadows ($ 17.99)
- Yooka-Laylee ($ 19.99)
- Ys Origin ($ 9.99)
- Ziggurat ($ 7,49)
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- Arcana Heart 3: ELSKER MAX !!!!!! ($ 12,49)
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- Borderlands 2 ($ 4,99)
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel ($ 7.99)
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- Breath of Fire IV ($ 3,59)
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- Clan of Champions ($ 0,59)
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- Darkstalkers ($ 3,59)
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- Dino Crisis ($ 3,59)
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- Dogfight 1942 Fire Over Africa ($ 2,09)
- Dogfight 1942 Rusland under beleiring ($ 2,09)
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- Entwined ($ 3,99)
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- flOw ($ 2,39)
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- Mega Man Legends ($ 3,99)
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- Mugen Souls Z ($ 9.99)
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- Record of Agarest War 2 ($ 9.99)
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- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ($ 3.59) sou
- Resident Evil: Director's Cut ($ 3,99)
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- Battle 2 ($ 3.59)
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- Jackbox Party Pack 2 ($ 12.49)
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- Misforstyrrelserne i Tron Bonne ($ 3,59)
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- Heksen og hundrede ridder ($ 9.99)
- Thexder Neo ($ 2,99)
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs ($ 19.99)
- Tomb Raider Digital Edition ($ 3,99)
- Tower of Guns ($ 5,99)
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- Yakuza 5 ($ 20.99)
PS Vita
- 10 anden Ninja X ($ 3,99)
- Adventures of Mana ($ 5,99)
- Alteric ($ 3,49)
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- Breath of Fire IV ($ 3,59)
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- Broken Sword 5 The Serpent's Curse: Episode 2 ($ 6.79)
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- Citizens of Earth ($ 5,99)
- Cladun vender tilbage: Dette er Sengoku! ($ 17.99)
- Claire: Extended Cut ($ 5,99)
- Farveværner ($ 3,99)
- Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars ($ 9.99)
- CounterSpy ($ 5,99)
- Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors ($ 14.99)
- Criminal Girls: Invite Only ($ 9.99)
- Crypt of the NecroDancer ($ 4,49)
- Curses 'N Chaos ($ 4,99)
- Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness ($ 3.59)
- Danganronpa 2: Farvel fortvivlelse ($ 13.49)
- Danganronpa en anden episode: Ultra Despair Girls ($ 14.99)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc ($ 13.49)
- Darkstalkers 3 ($ 3.59)
- Darkstalkers ($ 3,59)
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered ($ 5,99)
- Deep Ones ($ 3,49)
- Demetrios - The Big Cynical Adventure ($ 4,99)
- Demon Gaze ($ 9.99)
- Demon Gaze II ($ 27.99)
- Dino Crisis 2 ($ 3.59)
- Dino Crisis ($ 3,59)
- Doc-Doc Universe ($ 5,99)
- Dragon Quest Builders ($ 27.99)
- Dragon's Crown ($ 19.79)
- Drikkekasse Vita Collection ($ 9.99)
- Dungeon Punks ($ 5,24)
- Døende: Genfødt ($ 5,99)
- Energi invasion ($ 1,79)
- Entwined ($ 3,99)
- Ethan: Meteor Hunter ($ 3,99)
- Fallen Legion Bundle ($ 17.99)
- Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion ($ 11.99)
- Farming Simulator 14 ($ 5.24)
- Farming Simulator 16 ($ 6.99)
- Farming Simulator 18 ($ 13.49)
- Final Fantasy III ($ 5,99)
- Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection ($ 8.99)
- Final Fantasy Tactics ($ 5,99)
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lions of the Lions ($ 5,99)
- Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster ($ 14.99)
- Blomst ($ 2,79)
- flOw ($ 2,39)
- Front Mission 3 ($ 3,59)
- Frozen Synapse Prime ($ 7.99)
- Fuld gass remasteret ($ 5,99)
- Grim Fandango Remastered ($ 5,99)
- Guacamelee! Fantastisk bundt ($ 11.99)
- Hohokum ($ 3,99)
- htoLNiQ: The Firefly Diary ($ 3,99)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection ($ 7,49)
- Jet Set Radio ($ 4,99)
- Laser Disco Defenders ($ 3,99)
- Lord of Arcana ($ 5,99)
- Mega Man 8 ($ 3,59)
- Mega Man Legends 2 ($ 3,99)
- Mega Man Legends ($ 3,99)
- Metropolis: Lux Obscura ($ 5,59)
- Naturlig doktrin ($ 7,49)
- NeuroVoider ($ 6.99)
- NeverEnd ($ 1,49)
- Ninja Senki DX ($ 2,49)
- Ninja Usagimaru: Two Tails of Adventure ($ 5,99)
- Nord ($ 2,09)
- One Eyed Kutkh ($ 3,49)
- Parasite Eve II ($ 3,59)
- Parasite Eve ($ 3,59)
- PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD ($ 5,99)
- PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate ($ 3,74)
- Psycho-Pass: Obligatorisk lykke ($ 14.99)
- Resident Evil 2 ($ 3,59)
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ($ 3.59)
- Resident Evil: Director's Cut ($ 3,99)
- Rogue Aces ($ 9,09)
- Rollers of the Realm ($ 3,99)
- Save the Ninja Clan ($ 1,79)
- Siralim ($ 3,99)
- Siralim 2 ($ 5,99)
- Lydformer ($ 4,99)
- Sound Shapes Ultimate Bundle ($ 8.99)
- Spiral sprøjt ($ 2,99)
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 ($ 3.59)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 ($ 5,99)
- Battle 2 ($ 3.59)
- Tactisc Ogre: Lad os holde os sammen ($ 5,99)
- Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack ($ 3,19)
- Den 3. fødselsdag ($ 5,99)
- The Bridge ($ 3,99)
- Caligula-effekten: Deluxe Digital Bundle ($ 17.99)
- Graven Lucanor ($ 8,99)
- The Last Blade 2 ($ 10.49)
- De længste fem minutter ($ 23.99)
- Misforstyrrelserne i Tron Bonne ($ 3,59)
- The Unfinished Swan ($ 4,49)
- Tokyo Tattoo Girls ($ 9.99)
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs ($ 19.99)
- Touhou dobbeltfokus ($ 5,99)
- Type: Rider ($ 3,19)
- Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception ($ 20.99)
- Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth ($ 20.99)
- Valkyria Revolution ($ 20.99)
- World of Final Fantasy ($ 23.99)
- Xenon Valkyrie + ($ 6.99)
- Yomawari: Midnight Shadows ($ 17.99)
- Yomawari: Night Alone ($ 7.99)
- Yomawari: Night Alone / htoLNiQ: The Firefly Diary ($ 11.99)
- Ys Origin ($ 9.99)
Disse tilbud varer indtil tirsdag den 17. juli kl. 8:00 i Stillehavet.
Midtårssalg (PlayStation Store via reddit)